What is Anaerobes ?

Those microbes not required oxygen for growth and it's survival.

On the basis of oxygen Anaerobes  classified into two types.
1-Facultative (pseudo) anaerobes :-  These anaerobes generally grow in oxygen deficient environment. eg-Salmonella typhi.
2-Obligate anaerobes :- These anaerobes only grow in absence of oxygen if oxygen present in the media . they donot survive and died . eg-Clostridium Provotella .

Cultivation of  Anaerobes

Principle of Cultivation

To reduce oxygen content of a culture media and remove oxygen molecules if  already present in the media.

Types of Cultivation

These mainly 4 types.

1:- Special Anaerobes Culture Media
2:-Anaerobes Chamber Method
3:- Candle Jar Method
4:- Anaerobes Jar / Gas Pak Jar Method

     1:-Special Anaerobes Culture Media

👉 Also known as pre-reduced media method.
👉 During preparation the liquid medium is boiled for several minutes by holding it on water bath to remove the dissolved oxygen.
👉 Liquid media soon becomes aerobic so that to keep the media is Anaerobic , reducing agent such as 0.1% Cysteine ,0.1% Ascorbic acid and 0.1% Sodium thioglycolate are use to make lower oxygen content in the medium.
👉 Oxygen free nitrogen gas  bubbled through that to keep anaerobic medium.
👉Then bacterial suspension add with the help of pipette tube and culture media,B.Spn tube placed in autoclave for sterilization.
👉With the help of such tubes are continuously flushed with CO2 gas.